Our trips are totally reliant of members volunteering themselves to lead trips. Should you be prepared to lead a tramp, the "> Trip Coordinator would love to hear from you.

The following are some guidelines to assist you in running a successful trip.

Before the Trip

If unfamiliar with the intended tramping area, undertake a practice run (recce), preferably with a person familiar with the area. (Don’t forget to advise someone or the Overdue Party officer of your intentions).
Ensure you have a well equipped First Aid Kit, a whistle and maps.
For longer and more remote trips the club has a locator beacon  you can use.

Print the following form ready for completion on the day:

Intentions Form

On the Day of the Tramp

Have each participant complete the Intentions Form (Trip list) ensuring the phone number people are providing is that of their next of kin – preferably a mobile number.
Non-members are to also provide their address, phone and email details.
Ask non-members if they have any medical conditions and if so, suitable medication on them.
Check that those coming (especially new members) have suitable gear for the trip such as strong footwear, warm clothing, rain coat, food and drink.
If you feel a participant is not suitably prepared for, or capable of, the proposed trip you have the right to not take them.
If the weather is extreme, you also have the right to cancel the trip. If members have indicated they intend to meet at a point other than Glen Eden, ensure they are made aware of any changes in plans.

During the Trip

Before setting off, gather group around and introduce yourself as the leader.
Have everyone introduce themselves when new people are present.
Explain the intended plans for the day.
Appoint a Tail End Charlie.
Ask that people do not get ahead of the leader or behind the Tail End Charlie and ask the party to wait at junctions.
Ask that people notify someone if ducking into the bush for a comfort stop & leave their pack on the side of the track.
Count the people in the party and check this at each stop.
Frequently assess how your party is managing, especially new members. If need be, have those not coping walked out by an experienced member of the party.
Have frequent food and drink rest stops.
In the event of a later than expected return due to an unexpected event, contact Alan (Overdue Parties) ph 818-3173 or 021 831 728.

After the Trip

As soon as possible forward the trip list to the Membership Officer (Shena) by hand, post, scanned/email or phone through details of any nonmembers & give trip list to a committee member. This is to keep tabs on the number of trips undertaken by prospective new members.

If would be great if you could write a trip report for the club magazine (or ask someone else who went on the trip) and email to ">magazine editor or post an entry on our Facebook page.