I agree that, should my application for membership of the West Auckland District Tramping Club be approved, I and those members of my family included in this application will observe the Tramping Club Rules of Membership and I/we will conduct myself/ourselves in a manner that is not prejudicial to the Club’s name or standing.
I agree that I indemnify the West Auckland District Tramping Club and its Officers and Members against accident to myself or my family, and against loss or damage to my/our equipment.
I agree that FAMILY MEMBERSHIP applies to either one or both parents and only to the children of those parents who are under 16 years of age
I agree that I/we will be responsible for the supervision of my/our children on Club trips.
I agree that my name, address and email details will be circulated on a member list to other club members (for their personal use only), unless I contact the Secretary and request that my details are withheld.
I certify that all particulars entered into the Membership Application are true and correct.